al ‘Aliyy al ‘Alaa al Muta‘aal Final
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al Ghaffār at Tawwāb For Cinma
As Samee
The One not bestows His guidance upon you because you are the son/daughter of someone, but He –by His will- guides you! “He guides whoever to the right path” Are you eaten up by confusion? Do you feel that your mind fails to determine what is right and what is wrong? Have you been offered someday two jobs, and you are ignorant which one is the mo...
Al Laṭeef Al Khabeer For Mobile
The Trustee is the only One to put your trust in, the only One to return to, the only One to put your confidence in and the only One to put your aspirations on. Any of your affairs which you put in the trust of Allah, you can forget about them entirely. As you trust Allah, it means that you put your confidence in the One who owns everything...
With the generosity of Allah, mathematical calculations change! As His generosity is not subject to mathematical equation but rather divine grace! Is there anyone on this earth who is not gifted by the Great and is not flourished by the Ever-Generous? Not just during each moment, but even during each small portion of every moment, we receive cou...